Tuesday, May 31, 2011

bnat msn

bnat msn. ,hab aba tchat msn fadia
  • ,hab aba tchat msn fadia

  • DoFoT9
    Jul 22, 04:54 AM
    That is a very poor speed, at least I'm getting close to 10 mb/s but paying for 30 I think... $76 a month. These monopolies we have in the US are a drag, they can do whatever they want and the gov does nothing about it. Mine is adequate for all the folding at least.

    i pay $130aus a month ($~110 US) for 50GB of downloads! (adsl2+). at least i hit the speeds.

    are you on cable lord?

    bnat msn. nat msn. choha nat msn sans; choha nat msn sans. cube. May 3, 12:11 PM. I understand that Eyefinity offers a
  • nat msn. choha nat msn sans; choha nat msn sans. cube. May 3, 12:11 PM. I understand that Eyefinity offers a

  • Melrose
    Mar 9, 08:15 AM
    Yes, and you don't have to look too far to find examples of that ;)

    ...well in that case it sure puts a new perspective on presidential elections w/ mass hysteria.

    bnat msn. nat msn. nat de écol - msn:
  • nat msn. nat de écol - msn:

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 11, 12:35 PM
    Yes. That doesn't make it okay. I'd expect the first intel Macs to still be able to run the latest OS. What is the betting that computers from 2006 will be able to run Windows 8? High chance I'd say.

    only if W8 had a 32bit flavor. Otherwise, no. Apple prefers one flavor. At any rate, Apples motivation is to sell hardware so the push to update is always there. MS only cares about software.

    bnat msn. C.La middot; arab girl2011 nat msn
  • C.La middot; arab girl2011 nat msn

  • skellter
    Apr 5, 03:48 PM
    Where can I download this app or whatever it is! :) I really wanna see the iAd stuff.

    bnat msn. nat maroc2011 nat msn ,casa
  • nat maroc2011 nat msn ,casa

  • secondhandloser
    Mar 11, 01:42 PM
    Milestone 1:


    Milestone 2:


    Milestone 3 (the most recent):


    Any questions?

    [Citation needed]

    Fun fact: Showing SJ talk does not mean Apple has "redefined" computing. They have helped evolve it, as a player in the industry, of course. Hardly anything that could be called redefining.

    bnat msn. nat , benat , chouha msn
  • nat , benat , chouha msn

  • Coolerking
    Sep 12, 05:40 AM
    Here's a question: Would this IMovie store's movies work on something other than an Ipod, say, a PSP? If that happens you could kiss the UMD's goodbye COMPLETELY.

    bnat msn. nat msn. Bnat Msn; Bnat Msn
  • nat msn. Bnat Msn; Bnat Msn

  • MacBoobsPro
    Sep 12, 08:39 AM
    I can't help but laugh. :D

    On a side not I had to ask my Aussie flat-mates where the Gong was. The Gong is defiantly easier to say. ;)

    Where is The Gong anyway? Dont tell Chundles but Im his stalker!

    bnat msn. Bnat Msn
  • Bnat Msn

  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 03:13 PM
    Genius move, that.
    "Old old old?" Not compared to my early-2003 computer. It's dramatically faster, dramatically more efficient, and dramatically more capacious than the machine I've got. Based on the Penryn tests I've seen so far, an MBP update will result in only a marginal improvement. I don't NEED a few extra percent of battery life or performance here and there.

    Yes, but for $ 2.500 to 3.000 I would prefer to buy the newest technology.

    It is always wiser in the long run IMHO to be a late adopter and buy near the end of a product lifecycle than near the beginning. Early adopters are, and have always been, late beta testers.

    Yes, but switching to Penryn and adding Blue-Ray should be no rocket science. I'm not waiting for a fully re-designed MBP.

    They still make great products.

    Yes, but movie and music markets are quite different to the computer market. And I would be perfectly happy if they would focus as much on their computer business as they do for the rest.

    bnat msn. nat msn. chouha 9ha anat nat
  • nat msn. chouha 9ha anat nat

  • AnonMac50
    Apr 30, 03:56 AM
    major kernel version

    1,2: 1.0 and 2.0
    3: 3.0, WfW3.11, NT 3.51
    4: 95, 98, NT4
    5: 2000, XP
    6: Vista
    7: Windows 7 (but really 6.1):confused:

    So the answer is, "marketing"

    That's not the reason if I remember. They started count at 3 as 1 & 2 were "not real Windows". It was 3, 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7; or something like that. It is kernel 6.1 because they didn't want the incompatibility problems of jumping a large kernel version (ie XP 5.1 to Vista 6.0). But yes, it mostly is marketing.

    bnat msn. bnatdec Msn chouha lycee
  • bnatdec Msn chouha lycee

  • Lord Blackadder
    May 5, 06:24 PM
    If we were to implement restrictions it would have to be nation-wide, or else it would be too easily thwarted.

    What do we do with the 200 million legally owned guns? Not to mention the unknown (but surely quite significant) number of illegally owned or stolen guns we can't even track?

    I think any talk of a blanket ban is pure folly and ignores the reality of the situation.

    The biggest problem is just how far apart people are on this issue. People with little or no exposure to guns generally fear them and support draconian bans; people who grew up surrounded by them are much more likely to support some level of gun ownership, but a vocal minority of them want to do away with most or all regulation. I think both extreme positions (seeking to ban most/all guns vs advocating little/no regulation) are unrealistic and need to be abandoned.

    The NRA's current policy leans heavily towards automatic knee-jerk attacks towards any person or organization that might appear to criticise or question any aspect of firearms ownership, or to undertake any scientific study involving guns, safety, culture, crime, etc etc. Speaking as a gun owner myself, I think the NRA is a wayward, counterproductive organization that is far too combative and has strayed too far from their original purpose, becoming in the process a horrible caricature of itself. On the other hand, a large chunk of the anti-gun lobby consists of fearmongers who are themselves largely ignorant when it comes to firearms and prey on the ignorance and fear of people to gain support.

    The whole political debate is broken, and I see no evidence that this will ever change. Both sides fear nothing more than concession to their opponent, so an eternal stalemate will continue.

    The OP is an example of just how far from reality the "gun debate" in this country has strayed.

    bnat msn. nat msn. Zu nat maroc nat on aug recherche Bnat ahba khab lkhabe kahbabnat fes; Zu nat maroc nat on aug recherche Bnat ahba khab lkhabe kahbabnat fes,free
  • nat msn. Zu nat maroc nat on aug recherche Bnat ahba khab lkhabe kahbabnat fes; Zu nat maroc nat on aug recherche Bnat ahba khab lkhabe kahbabnat fes,free

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 4, 12:59 AM
    Dealerships have way too much power. You can thank them for the Pontiac G3 and G5.

    How about no thanks. :eek:

    bnat msn. choha nat web cam msn
  • choha nat web cam msn

  • chaosbunny
    May 4, 05:59 AM
    Except that there allready are lots of people that use iPad for drawing like the guy in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufYOWA8HdFM

    So? A stylus still beats fingers for drawing, that's why it has been invented. ;)

    bnat msn. nat msn. byemail address your
  • nat msn. byemail address your

  • dscuber9000
    Apr 15, 04:45 PM
    Google is finding out just how difficult it is to negotiate with record labels. :p

    bnat msn. nat a5r zmn.mp4
  • nat a5r zmn.mp4

  • conradzoo
    Sep 12, 07:35 AM

    This is like Independence Day, you know, everybody reporting in from everywhere that spaceships are sighted.

    bnat msn. C.La middot; nat maroc2011 nat msn
  • C.La middot; nat maroc2011 nat msn

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 08:49 PM
    You can point out an error and give solution

    The goal of the forum is not to give out solutions, sorry. If that is what you are looking for, you're looking for it in the wrong places. We're here to help you figure out how to find the solution yourself (either by pointing out appropriate documentation or by giving hints).

    or you can tell that person to quit what he's doing because he has no idea. It's a lot easier to say, go read Apples documentation than to point out an error and explain it yourself.

    No one told you to quit and pointing out the documentation often times is better than someone trying to explain it. The documentation will be correct, and why type out an explanation to something Apple already documentation (ie, explained) in the proper terms ?

    Now if there's something in the documentation you need help clarifying, please feel free to ask questions about the documentation.

    bnat msn. www.nat.us Review
  • www.nat.us Review

  • KnightWRX
    May 3, 07:41 PM
    I pay for 6 GB of data (30$/month) and thank god my carrier recognizes that this 6 GB of data is mine to do with as I please.

    bnat msn. Bnat Msn
  • Bnat Msn

  • Avatar74
    Jan 15, 02:07 PM
    I am a Powerbook G4 user, and ready for a new computer. I was hoping that they would update the MacBook Pro, because I would definately buy one, but that doesn't look like thats going to happen anytime soon... ::mad:

    Do you edit HD video? Do you do mobile multitrack recording (32 tracks or more at a time)?

    If not, my question is... why are you "ready" for a new computer?

    By the way, I have a PB 1GHz, running OS X 10.5 smoothly, and it works just fine. I have the money to go blowing on new gadgets but, I've mellowed out on that.

    However, if you want to buy yourself a new toy every year "just cos"... be my guest. I'm an Apple shareholder and I appreciate the money going out of your pocket and into mine.

    bnat msn. nat six
  • nat six

  • thejadedmonkey
    Mar 28, 02:14 PM
    Seriously Apple, how soon until the app store is the only way to install apps on your mac?

    bnat msn. The connectors were the same on the old 27quot; and 21.5quot;, but only the larger display functioned as an external display. more nat msn. Publié par nat-msn à
  • The connectors were the same on the old 27quot; and 21.5quot;, but only the larger display functioned as an external display. more nat msn. Publié par nat-msn à

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 17, 11:25 AM
    First off, Apple does not have the time or ways to check for security risks. They don't have the source code, and we've already seen apps with banned talents appear. Moreover, security research shows that many iOS apps can access personal information (and many do send that off to remote servers without Apple making a peep).

    As for approvals, apps that "duplicate" Apple functionality are banned. That alone means a lot of cool stuff is not available from their store.

    You also cannot write a homebrew app for your friends and give it to them to use, unless you want to pay $100 a year to keep a dev license going. That's another reason why there's so much crud in the app store.

    Unfortunately, we've also seen apps approved that should never have been, such as the baby shaker one.

    Don't confuse approval control with a guarantee of either security or quality.

    And once an app that gets by with security risk is found, it is removed. Compare this to getting an app off of site X. Does site X remove the app because it was found to be a security risk? And should an appear turn out to be stealing information, which is easier to trace to the source, one that went through the app store registration process with apple or on on site X residing somewhere in Russia?

    You're narrowly defining the methods of security that Apple's app store can provide.

    Nov 16, 08:03 AM
    It might happen the day AMD can come up with a better product and roadmap compared to Intel, which in the coming three years seems highly unlikely.

    AMD does not have a large enough R&D center to actively help Apple develop their products, not to mention capacity issues.

    Apr 6, 06:54 AM
    There's another, much more messed up story (http://www.slashgear.com/apple-rejects-iphone-app-for-lack-of-functionality-later-releases-app-with-same-functionality-itself-06144635/) behind this app. For those too lazy to click on the link, basically Apple decided to reject a third-party app that has the same functionality as the iAd Gallery for -- get this -- "lack of functionality". Then it turns around and develops the exact same app.

    If what Apple has done here doesn't demonstrate anti-competitiveness, then I don't know what does.

    Mar 7, 04:42 AM
    Also, because of the tight competition, companies are afraid to take risks. Remember when the USB por had just been introduced? This was a real chicken and egg situation for PC makers. No PC maker wants to be the first to switch to all USB ports because (a) it will cost more money to put the new ports into the board, and (b) they know it will annoy customers who will have to buy all peripherals. Customers will simply buy the competing brand because it's cheaper. Now, someone eventually sells a PC with both USB and PS/2 ports so you can slowly start the upgrade trend, but it's slow for all the above reasons.

    Same for the floppy drive: nobody wants to be the first to ship without one. It would be seen as being "too different" and cause lost sales to the competition.

    Preserving backwards compatibility has nothing to do with taking risks. It's just plain nice and doesn't hurt forward compatibility. Motherboards, to this day, still have PS/2 ports. Does it hurt anybody ? No. But that guy with his keyboard from 1995 he just loves and takes care of is pretty happy.

    Same with the floppy drive. Apple removed it from the iMac because it would "hurt" the design. PCs didn't remove it because frankly, what are you going to do with those 3 1/2" holes in the case anyhow ? And while manufacturers did finally stop shipping them, guess what is on motherboards these days ? FDD connector headers. Yep, still there and ready to read all those little Sony invented disks, or even those big ass 5 1/4" really floppies. Does it hurt anyone ? No, it's a 0.01$ part.

    Windows 98 did more for USB adoption than the limited run Apple had with its original iMac. Common sense removed floppy drives a lot more than Apple forced it with the iMac, and a lot later too.

    Some of you need to open up your boundaries a little beyond what Apple does.

    Nov 27, 06:48 AM
    Did anyone else get the "Joy to the wallet" email?

    Says: This Friday is our one-day shopping event. The graphic looks like the Black Friday event except that the objects blink on and off like holiday decorations. The email came to me on the 26th.... a bit confusing because I almost passed it buy thinking it was the Black Friday event but this one is for December 1st.

    Oops.. just read back a few and looks like some know about it.

    Apr 17, 01:43 PM
    Being gay for most of human history has been pretty difficult. To not touch on that is really stupid and shows a bias that when it comes to history, should not be shown.

    You do realize that homosexuality is not new and in fact was prevalent throughout ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. It wasn't until Christianity took root and became prevalent that homosexuality was looked down upon. You can thank religion for that (Leviticus 18:22). So in fact, for most of human history homosexuality was seen as no different from heterosexuality.

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