Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • anjinha
    Apr 21, 11:23 AM
    Yeah, I see what you're saying. I was able to change the vote on your post back and forth from 1 to -1 with one click.

    On a side note, before I start a new thread about it, is anyone having issues with the ability to view PMs? I'm getting a "fatal error".

    I voted Skunk's post as well so that accounts for one vote.

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  • Frisco
    Apr 15, 06:31 PM
    Google, Microsoft and Bush are Devils!

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  • Flowbee
    Oct 10, 07:13 PM
    Don't you mean PS3's?

    I just pre-orded mine today for the:D launch date

    Oops. I guess it's pretty obvious thet I never made it past the PSone. :o

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  • RoboCop001
    Apr 5, 03:33 PM
    lol. But when is the Apple Store app going to be released in Canada? Is it available anywhere outside the USA yet?

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  • Surely
    Apr 21, 10:17 PM
    So same system but without the down vote button at all?


    I think this would be a better way to do it. Perhaps it could be called the "Thank you" or "Helpful" button.

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  • Thunderbird
    Mar 24, 07:19 PM
    Happy 10th Anniversary to Mac OS X !

    Please feel free to post more screen shots of early OS X. It's interesting to see the changes and evolution.

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  • iMeowbot
    Oct 28, 06:59 PM
    Interesting. So does Apple just put their stuff up under ASPL and let the FreeBSD commiters sift through it?
    Yeah. This is the same situation that caused some strife between the WebKit and KHTML projects, although in the BSD world it's not such a hot button issue.

    Okay. Everyone's got their own morals, but if a few people are putting OS X on their PCs, I don't see it as a huge issue. Given how complicated it is it's not really a *problem*. But if a rich company like Apple takes a free thing and makes money off of it and only gives some of it back to the community that created it and gave it away, that seems less moral (this is my opinion) regardless of what the legal documents say.
    Thing is, the BSD community as a whole want the proprietary option open. They avoid taking code from places like the Linux kernel in order to keep GPL terms from coming into play; GPL stuff is segregated into separate packages. Apple aren't getting away with some technicality, the ability to keep source closed is one of the touted features of BSD.

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  • koobcamuk
    Apr 5, 06:43 PM
    I've often wondered about all of the great ads that I might be missing. ...I'll be downloading this. Thanks, Apple!



    Exactly what I thought. Some people are just plan weird.

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  • puckhead193
    Jan 8, 12:35 AM
    huh? apple is doing what?

    apple is updating their site live as it happens, correct? Do you think apple will release a limited edition ipod or imac or something else in a color like in black or red or something else?

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  • Korivak
    Oct 3, 09:56 PM
    I think a lot of people are setting themselves up to be disappointed.

    People have been talking about the iPhone for literally years now. And you never know - it might happen. But I think it's more likely that iPods will keep on being iPods. This is the product that hasn't ever added something as simple as an FM tuner, and the reason that they haven't is that it's more parts, more menu items, higher cost and something that only a very few feature addicts care about. Everyone and there uncle already has a cell phone, and a significant percentage of people already have an iPod - and most of them aren't about to throw away hundreds of dollars worth of techie toys that work perfectly to spend hundreds more on something that does the exact same things. Think back to the iPod Photos. Neat idea, a whole new major feature...and the only one that sold well was the one with the larger hard drive. Pretty much everyone thought it was cool, and then ignored it and bought the less expensive monochrome iPod (unless they happened to have 60 GBs of music). Maybe if the iPod was able to add cell support cheaply enough that it was a standard feature across the entire line (like the eventual iPod with Colour Screen), then it would sell - but that's a big engineering and manufacturing challenge for a feature not everyone's going to use (unlike colour album art, which you can't really help but enjoy). Hell, the amount of negotiation it would take to get iPhones working on different networks all around the world (a bit more of a localization issue than just translation and a standard USB interface) would be a nightmare, and probably be better spent getting more music, tv shows and movies.

    And a "real" video iPod? I'm content with the current "fake" iPod with Video. Widescreen, larger screen, touch screen,'s all going to cost money and battery life. If you really want a "real" video iPod, get a Zune when it comes out. Microsoft, sweethearts that they are, will sell it to you at a loss because they don't have to worry about silly and mundane things like profit. But you can't plug it in to your Mac or import your iTMS music to it. Eventually, Apple will figure out a way to improve the iPod and still make a profit, and at that point, they'll release the - say it with me - the iPod. Until then, you can have your choice of the iPod, or not-an-iPod.

    Also, if Steve Jobs were to retire, all he'd do all day would be hang out at Apple and give passionate speeches about Apple products. Basically, exactly what he does now.

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  • tvachon
    Jan 9, 01:49 PM
    Darn, I expected to come home from school and have it be there. :P I'm not going to be tempted to check any sites or do anything where there might be a spoiler. I think this will be a good time to practice piano & do homework. :)

    Question: When did the keynote end? Was it 11 PM EST or PST? If it was PST, that would mean the keynote only ended 44 minutes ago (about). :eek:

    Edit: MR is being really slow right now for me.

    It ended 2:00pm EST

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  • rcread
    Aug 1, 10:13 AM
    This is just one more reason why socialism doesn't work. It takes away the incentive of a company to put a product in the country, and the consumers ultimately suffer.

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  • wildmac
    Oct 2, 03:46 PM
    You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.

    No honor among theives... :cool:

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  • ViViDboarder
    Apr 15, 04:40 PM
    I just think it looks like trash! I don't care if it's real, but I hope not. :p

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  • benthewraith
    Oct 17, 09:32 PM
    Nope. Cheap always prevails when it comes to marketshare. The average consumer is fairly thick, when they walk along the aisles at Walmart and wonder which one to chuck in their shopping trolley the majority will go for the cheapest.

    Thick or smart? The average consumer is NOT going to spend the amount of money for Blu-Ray player, when they can get HD-DVD for cheaper. Not everyone is as fortunate as you to put $1000 down on a player.

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  • Claerion
    Mar 17, 10:57 AM
    What's up with all the [morality] in this thread?
    It's the employees responsibility to know how to use a register and collect the full payment. If the employee is too stupid to actually count the money handed to him then he should be fired. Dumb ass kid.
    I'd be ****ing thrilled if my iPad cost about half price!


    And cpucrash0 what do you think this is a movie? 21? Haha they don't have the resources to watch every single person that walks into the door all the time...

    Gratz on the iPad and enjoy it!

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  • rdowns
    Dec 13, 10:41 AM
    Will it come in white? :rolleyes:

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  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:23 PM
    If I recall correctly (prob. not) Apple use to have the keynote live on TV that people could pick up with old c-band sat. recievers. What ever happend to that?
    Yeah, and before that - like gazillions of years ago - Apple used to stream it as a pre-historic cave painting (animated, of course). 'Direct to a den near you' was the tag-line. Anyone else remember that? :D

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  • solvs
    Jan 12, 04:14 AM
    Everyone is making comments that suggest that the Gizmodo guys are professionals and have broken some code of ethics.
    They were there as professionals at a professional event, and as said, given press passes. They presented themselves as professionals, and wouldn't have gotten in for free and to the presentations had they not. Even worse, they bring the rest of the community down with them. Some bloggers actually fight hard to try and be taken seriously. Stuff like this just makes it harder for them. And since they're making money by covering this, they may get a small bump in the short term, but it could hurt them down the line when companies decide they aren't worth doing business with.

    Statement from the CEA (

    We have been informed of inappropriate behavior on the show floor by a credentialed media attendee from the Web site Gizmodo, owned by Gawker Media. Specifically, the Gizmodo staffer interfered with the exhibitor booth operations of numerous companies, including disrupting at least one press event. The Gizmodo staffer violated the terms of CES media credentials and caused harm to CES exhibitors. This Gizmodo staffer has been identified and will be barred from attending any future CES events. Additional sanctions against Gizmodo and Gawker Media are under discussion.
    It's not quite as funny when there are consequences.

    Apr 17, 08:15 PM
    Anyone to comment on the iPhone pics at

    Apr 4, 10:34 AM
    In the last 4 pages of this forum topic, I think I remember something about you saying you were able to see that persons IP address while they were logging on to xbox live through some program.

    well, i don't own an xbox 360 or any console at that.. the last console I've owned is the Nintendo NES :confused: .. I don't know exactly how that program works, but if your able to get an IP address, you can go to

    and find out what type of internet they are connecting through, and what company is providing them with internet service. ie: dsl, cable, satellite.

    for example. traced to:

    thats my IP address, it's dhcp (Cable) in glendale, CA. @ Charter communications

    at the time the xbox were to connect to XBox Live.. if you get the IP address and run this search, the police would be able to call the internet provider, provide them with the IP in question and a warrant (or whatever is needed), they would be able to give you the perpetrators address.

    then just bust down that guys door and the xbox is yours again.

    I used to work for comcast communications as a customer service rep, and whenever the police would call in with something regarding theft or IP trace, etc., the process was simple. Literally plug in the IP address into the database and after a simple search, the customers profile would pop up.

    if this is done fast enough, you can most likely catch them in the act..
    dont know if this has helped or not, or you've probably already tried this, but just thought i'd share my 2cents.

    Apr 15, 12:19 PM
    If they are real, following the iPad style of back.

    Missing a flash though, which is a consistent rumour.

    Apr 17, 02:48 PM
    Adding those decreased time for other things, ideally World History and American History would be 1.5 years. JFK gets summarized as the first Catholic to get elected to president, led the disastrous Bay of Pigs and then got shot, ignoring the Peace Corps and the Space Program. John Hinckley Jr. isn't in the textbooks at all, IIRC he tried to kill Reagan and there was something about Jodi Foster

    I have no idea what experience you are speaking from, but it isn't universal. :confused:

    I assure you that in the junior high, high school, and college classes I took, Hinckley was mentioned, JFK may or may not have been described as a Catholic, and Jodi Foster wasn't even popular yet.

    Apr 25, 05:37 PM
    Because I have a button that receives the action "cancelTime" in IB. I wonder if I need to add something to userInfo parameter in the cancelTime method. Please correct me if I'm missing something.


    UPdate !!,

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